
The main objective of the International conference on Social Statistics and Ethnic Diversity: Should we count, how should we count and why? is to establish links between the production, analysis, uses and interpretation of social statistics related to ethnic diversity.

The Conference aims to encourage international exchanges in order to document the diversity of situations, namely: the experience of countries of immigration (Canada, the United States, Australia, etc.), the European experience and the experience of countries of the South (Africa, Latin America, Asia, etc.).

The Conference also aims to generate debate between the many different actors involved: organizations that produce statistics, researchers and users (including civil society, in particular NGOs involved in anti-discrimination activities).




The 6, 7 et 8th, december 07

200, Sherbrooke Street West Pavillon des sciences of UQÀM (See card)

Amélie Gagnon
514-343-2090 extension 92
