
Dec. 8, 2009






Using comparative studies of the European student landscape to understand current and future challenges for higher education access Fichier PDF
Dominic Orr, Higher Education Information System GmbH


Access to postsecondary education in Canada: why are there differences between provinces? Fichier PDF
Ross Finnie, Université d’Ottawa
Richard E. Mueller, University of Lethbridge


Measuring inequalities in higher education in Europe: what are international and national database indicators telling us? Fichier PDF
Gaële Goastellec, Université de Lausanne
Noël Adangnikou, Université de Lausanne




The links between student learning and career success of European and Japanese graduates: a structural equation model (SEM) approach Fichier PDF
Carla Barroso da Costa, Université de Montréal
Nathalie Loye, Université de Montréal
Jake Murdoch, Université de Montréal


The determinants of university graduate’s education job-match
Presentation non-available
Brahim Boudarbat, Université de Montréal
Victor Chernoff, Université de Montréal


Study conditions and professional success Fichier PDF
Harald Schomburg, University of Kassel
Lutz Heidemann, University of Kassel
Sylvi Mauemeister, University of Kassel





What are the effects of attending prestigious universities on early career labour market outcomes of graduates? Fichier PDF
Johan Coenen, Maastricht University
Jim Allen, Maastricht University


Returns to Education: Results from the Canadian Analytic Census files, 1991-2006 Fichier PDF
Pierre Lefebvre, Université du Québec à Montréal
Philip Merrigan, Université du Québec à Montréal
Emmanuelle Bourbeau, Université du Québec à Montréal


From levels to combinations: examining new vocational strategies within postsecondary education Fichier PDF
John Goyder, University of Waterloo





  • Lesley Andres, University of British Columbia
  • Patrice De Broucker, Statistique Canada
  • Tony Chambers, University of Toronto
  • Jorgen Hansen, Concordia University
  • Donald E. Heller, Pennsylvania State University
  • Martin Ringuette, Université du Québec
  • Ulrich Teichler, University of Kassel



Dec. 8, 2009

December 7th to 9th, 2009

Complexe des sciences, UQAM
200 Sherbrooke Street West

Programme: PDF File

Poster: PDF File


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